Pure Scot Signature Blend 50ml

Pure Scot Signature Blend 50ml

  • $12.00
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Tax included.

Smartass Corner:
The Lowlands used to produce nearly all of the Whisky in Scotland. But tax laws and market disruptions decimated the local distilleries, while the Highlands flourished with illegal, hidden stills that evaded the taxmen. Well, times have changed and the industry is reviving in the Lowlands once again.

Appearance / Color
Medium Amber

Nose / Aroma / Smell
The fragrance is complex with notes of sultanas, butterscotch, baking spices, warm granola clusters, vanilla, and roasted nuts.

Flavor / Taste / Palate
On the tongue, the flavor of malt shines through over a backdrop of ground ginger, rancio, peat smoke, toasted raisin bread, and shortbread biscuits.

The finish is medium-length with a warm malty drift.